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Erin Driskill, LCSW, Founder and Director

Erin Driskill, LCSW is the founder and director of Mindfulness programs at Choose Well-Being Psychology Education. She has her Master’s degree in Clinical Social Work and over 15 years experience in mental health. She has worked in community mental health, at the first worldwide Dialectical Behavior Therapy clinic and in a private practice for 8 years. Her areas of interest include program development, multiple learning styles, supervision, training and the development of inner resources. She has intensive training in mindfulness, DBT and RO-DBT and participates in an annual visit to a mindfulness center to maintain her practice. During her field experience, she learned that research-based coping skills are key to individuals achieving their goals. As a result, she started a psychology education clinic offering mindfulness-based skills and an experiential sanctuary to support adults, adolescents and organizations in skillful living. She is a member of a consult team, the American Psychological Association and is passionate about engaging in skills-based community projects.


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