Mindful Parenting:
The Mindful Parenting workshop creates a space for parents to learn a new mindful approach to parenting. The intention is to learn to balance their needs with their child’s, be less reactive and live more consistently by their values to create a peaceful home. This class will help you learn to “parent from within” through specific mindfulness principles and practices.
Research shows that the number one indicator of child stress is parent stress. Thus, the better we are at taking care of ourselves the better parents we can be.
This workshop is based on the work of mindful parenting expert Jon Kabat-Zinn and his wife Maya. It will help you identify how mindfulness is relevant to parenting, the 9 steps to mindful parenting, and the difference between responding vs. reacting. It includes how to live in tune with your parenting values, apply mindfulness skills to daily parenting challenges and connect with your child. Join us!
Currently offered online. Click on contact and send an email to enroll in a 4 week individual skills training program. Includes materials, skills to practice, Q&A and individual problem solving or request to be on a waitlist for an upcoming workshop.